Boost Your Venue's Appeal

Transform Your Venue with Immersive Virtual Tours

Enhance client experience and increase bookings with The 360 Suite’s cutting-edge virtual tours.

Immersive Experience

Our virtual tours provide a fully immersive experience that photos and videos can’t match.

Increased Engagement

Engage your clients more effectively with interactive and captivating virtual tours.

Boost Your Venue's Appeal

Transform Your Venue with Immersive Virtual Tours

Enhance client experience and increase bookings with The 360 Suite’s cutting-edge virtual tours.

Immersive Experience

Our virtual tours provide a fully immersive experience that photos and videos can’t match.

Increased Engagement

Engage your clients more effectively with interactive and captivating virtual tours.

The 360 Suite + WEDDING VENUES

Your Partner in Virtual Tours

“Working with The 360 Suite has significantly boosted our bookings. The virtual tour tool allows clients to explore our venue in-depth before their visit, making the initial in-person inspection more focused and productive. Unlike 2D photos or videos, the virtual tour offers a fully immersive experience, giving clients a true sense of the space and its potential for their big day.” – Amy Ras-Speijer, Director of Marketing, Loews Miami Beach Hotel

Benefits Of Virtual Tours For Wedding Venues

Increased Bookings

Venues with virtual tours receive up to 40% more bookings compared to those without. (WeddingWire)

Competitive Edge

Stand out from your competitors with cutting-edge technology that showcases your venue in an innovative and engaging manner.

Comprehensive Showcase

While 2D photos offer limited perspectives and videos lack interactive control, virtual tours provide a fully immersive experience.

Ease of Working with Clients

Virtual tours reduce the need for in-person visits, allowing clients to pre-qualify themselves and come prepared with specific questions during site inspections.

Enhanced Client Experience

Virtual tours increase engagement by up to 300%, providing a more interactive and captivating way for clients to explore your venue. (Matterport)

Custom Virtual Tour Example

Nav Menu

Our navigation menu allows clients to seamlessly explore different areas of your venue. We can custom-design this menu to align with your brand’s aesthetics. Additionally, we can integrate links to PDFs such as price sheets and food menus, as well as sections of your website and more!


We can enhance your Virtual Tour with a variety of content through Hotspots. This includes photo galleries, videos, audio, and more to enrich the immersive experience of the tour.

With a Custom Virtual Tour, you can integrate a navigation menu that matches your brand’s design. It includes interactive hotspots where you can add photos, videos, audio, and more, making it our most popular option.

Google Virtual Tour Example

A Google Virtual Tour is directly linked to your Google Business Page, allowing potential clients to view your venue in 360° right from Google. As Google Trusted Photographers, our 360° content ranks at the top of the 360° view photo section on your Google Business Page.

Enhanced Virtual Tour Example

This tour includes all the features of a Custom Virtual Tour plus additional enhancements, such as auto guided tour, 360 Video,  3D animated transitions and much more.  Seeing is believing.  Check out our most recent enhanced virtual tour of the New-York Historical Society (below).

The Process

Step 1
Step 1

Free Consultation

We begin with a free 20-minute consultation to understand your venue’s unique features and your specific needs. This helps us tailor the virtual tour to perfectly match your brand and goals.

Step 2
Step 2

Custom Proposal

Based on our initial discussion, we provide a detailed proposal outlining the scope of the virtual tour, including costs, timeline, and specific features. Once approved, we book a date for the shoot.

Step 3
Step 3

Venue Preparation

We guide you through preparing your venue for the shoot, ensuring it looks its best. This includes staging areas and setting up any necessary decor to highlight key features.

Step 4
Step 4

The Day Of The Shoot

One of our Google Trusted Photographers will visit your venue to capture high-quality 360° content. The shoot typically takes a few hours, depending on the size and complexity of the venue. If your venue requires shots at specific times of the day, such as sunsets, we can accommodate these requests to enhance the visual appeal of your project.

Step 5
Step 5

Editing & Virtual Tour Creation

This is where the magic happens. We use AI-powered photo editing software to enhance the 360° photos and videos, making them truly stand out. After editing the content, we proceed to build your custom Virtual Tour, integrating all the elements to create a seamless and immersive experience.

Step 6
Step 6

Client Review

You review the initial draft of the virtual tour and provide feedback. We make any necessary adjustments to ensure the tour meets your expectations and showcases your venue perfectly.

Step 7
Step 7

Delivery & Launch

Once completed, we publish your virtual tour to the public. Initially, we provide you with all the 360° content in an online folder, along with instructions and strategies on how to effectively leverage it on social media platforms like Facebook. If your package includes a Google Virtual Tour, we will publish it directly to your Google Business Page. For Custom and Enhanced Virtual Tours, we supply you with the embed code and instructions for integrating the tour on your website. Additionally, we offer a free consultation with your webmaster to ensure seamless incorporation and optimal utilization of your new virtual tour on your site.

Step 8
Step 8

Continued Support

Once your virtual tour is live, you’ll start seeing the benefits of enhanced client engagement and increased bookings. We’ll touch base with you periodically to ensure everything is running smoothly and to offer support. Additionally, we remain on standby to add any future updates or enhancements to your tour, helping you keep your content fresh and relevant.

Addressing Common Concerns

Existing Tours?

If you already have photos or videos, consider the added value of a virtual tour. Our tours offer full control and immersive engagement, providing a superior client experience compared to static media.


The cost of a fully immersive is less than what you would typically spend on a single promo video and photos. An investment in a virtual tour pays off with increased bookings and improved client interactions, as virtual tours provide a fully immersive experience that traditional media cannot.

Transform Your Venue Today

Contact us today to learn more about how virtual tours can benefit your venue. We offer a free 20-minute consultation to discuss your specific needs and how our services can help you achieve your goals.